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Specialist Resource Base
Thetford Academy hosts a Key Stage 3 and 4 Autism Specialist Resource Base (SRB). This is part of Norfolk's local offer for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
The base is staffed by a Lead SRB Teacher, SRB Teacher, three higher-level teaching assistants (HLTAs) and four teaching assistants (TAs). We have provision for 25 placements.
We provide placements to pupils from across Norfolk who are experiencing difficulties with accessing mainstream education due to their communication and interaction needs. SRB pupils are supported through flexible timetabling and curriculum adaptation, tailored to individual needs to enable them to attend up to 100% of mainstream lessons.
The SRB gives the students the opportunity to develop independent learning skills. The offer is designed to enable individuals to manage their barriers and access a mainstream curriculum. Staff are also trained and available to provide social and emotional support as needed. Not just a designated teaching space, the SRB is also a place of sanctuary during unstructured times and pupils can access it at any other time that additional support is necessary.
A young person does not need an EHCP or a diagnosis of Autism to access the provision, but evidence of communication and interaction needs would indicate that the SRB may be suitable. If you are a parent or carer interested in SRB provision for your child, please speak to the SENDCo at your current school.
Prior to applying for an SRB placement, the SENDCo at the student’s current school should contact the Lead SRB Teacher or SENDCo at The Thetford Academy either by phone or email on:
SRB Teacher, Kelly Harle-leggettSENDCo, Lucy Burbridge
After the initial referral is complete, parents/carers are welcome to arrange a visit to the SRB to meet with the Lead SRB Teacher, which can be done by contacting the main school office.
If parents wish to proceed with a placement application, the Lead SRB Teacher, member of the SRB team from The Thetford Academy, or a local authority panel representative, will need to visit and observe the child in their current setting, prior to the SRB panel meetings arranged and hosted by the Local Authority.
Norfolk County Council SRB Information:
Autism Bases - Norfolk County Council
Admissions process for specialist resource bases (SRBs) - Norfolk County Council